viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019


This post is in Spanish to avoid any confusion.

Cordial saludo,
a continuación les comparto instrucciones puntuales para el examen de habla, junto a ejemplos de qué deben hacer.


Cada estudiante debe hablar sobre sí mismo respecto a sus cualidades personales, debe mencionar las cualidades que usted piensa que posee junto a ejemplos o razones por las cuáles posee dichas cualidades. Van a tener unos momentos para prepararse y luego hablar durante 1 minuto.


"In my opinion I consider myself a tolerant person, I respect everybody no matter their religion, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality or political ideology. For me all, as human beings, are equal. I think that I am also generous. Although I don't earn a lot I try to help relatives that I know are in a bad economical situation. 
Another quality of mine is that I can work long hours, for me my job is important so I try to give my best and no matter how much time I have to spent working I do it because it is a responsability and I have to fullfulling because they pay me for doing it." 

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