miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2019


Hello students,
below you'll find a reminder about homework for next week. Any doubt please write to my e-mail.


Solve page 29 (completely) from the book:
1)Conjugate the verbs from the box into the passive or active voice, and the proper tense
2)Complete the text with the relative pronouns.
3 )Circle the correct form of the verbs, simple past or past progressive.
Teacher will check it on the second class of next week (Tuesday April 2nd for group E041, Wednesday April 3rd for group B131, and Friday April 5th for group E201). 
Note: In case you don't have the book please solve the exercises on a piece of paper and hand it out to the teacher. Photocopies WON'T be accepted because of copyright.


Next week there will be a short quiz about the unit we just finished, unit 2. So please study for it It wil be held during the second classes of next week.

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