martes, 12 de febrero de 2019

HOMEWORK WEEK # 1 (February 11 -15)

Good afternoon students,

here you will find the homework corresponding to week # 1, along an example of what you have to do.

Hope you have a nice day!

In a piece of paper write down (1) the name of 10 people you know, include also (2) their relationships with you, and (3) an extra piece of information (an opinion, what you  have in common, what you feel about them, etc.)

Hand it out on to the teacher for grading the second class of next week: 
Tuesday February 19th for group E041, Wednesday February 20th for group B131, and Friday February 22nd for group E201.


(teacher's example) Kathy. She is my best friend. She lives in California.
(Kathy. Ella es mi mejor amiga. Ella vive en California.)

(book's example) Julio. He is my teammate. We play soccer together.
(Julio. Él es mi compañero de equipo. Jugamos juntos fútbol.)

NOTE: (In Spanish) Los estudiantes del grupo E041 en caso de que no alcancen a ver este mensaje,  y por lo siguiente no hagan la tarea para la fecha acordada, tendrán más tiempo para entregarla teniendo en cuenta que en clase no se alcanzó a dar esta información.

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